
Attitudes of the Students Enrolled in the Introduction to Education Course Towards eLearning, It's Applications, and It's Relationship to Some Variables

Raghad Alsarayreh, Al-Balqa’ Applied University (BAU)


This study aimed to identify the attitudes of students towards elearning and its applications in light of its relationship to some variables. The population of the study consisted of students enrolled in the Introduction to Education course in the Department of Educational and Social Sciences at Karak University College in the first semester of the academic year (2020-2021) The study was composed of 75 male and female students. The study used the descriptive approach and applied a scale to identify students’ attitude towards elearning and its applications. The tool consisted of 39 statements graded on a five-degree Linkert scale. The results of the study showed that for the students’ attitudes towards elearning and its applications, 12 statements of the scale were within the positive high attitudes, while the remaining 27 statements had a neutral attitude and there were no negative attitudes. The mean score of the scale was 2.94, which indicated that the students’ attitudes were overall neutral. The results of the study also showed that there were no statistically significant differences between the responses of the study sample about their attitudes towards elearning and its applications according to their academic achievement or to their different experiences in the fields of elearning and in favor of the sample members with average experience.

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