Using Information and Communication Technologies and Library Operations in Support of Higher Education Institutions
Rexwhite Tega Enakrire, University of South AfricaAbstract
This paper argues that the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) and library operations has become inevitable to sustain higher education institutions (HEIs). The deteriorating state of educational standards in Africa, amidst other prevalent factors of nonpolicy formulation and implementation; increasing student enrolment; competition among HEIs for academic excellence; poor technological tools for teaching and learning; inadequate skills among professionals (academics and non-academics); and the changing nature of best practices in the teaching profession are all reasons for this. Both qualitative and quantitative research approaches were applied in this study of Delta State, Nigeria IHEs. The qualitative approach made use of interpretive content analysis of documents harvested from the databases of Scopus and Web of Science, while the quantitative approach applied the survey research method through a questionnaire for data collection. The findings revealed that different types of ICTs and library operations were key pillars in the sustainability of higher education institutions in Delta State and that the scientific value of available ICTs and library operations was embedded in transitioning from a traditional to a virtual platform for efficient and effective service delivery, restructuring the library environment, and unending accessibility. The study recommends continuous acquisition of recent digital technological tools to sustain and enhance library operations and quality service delivery in HEIs, since ICTs and library operations are the bedrock of HEIs.
Keywords: ICTs, library operations, information resources and services, higher education institutions
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