
Look for the Journal of Educators Online on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter!

Stay up to date with research in online teaching and learning.

JEO is published in January and July of each year. Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis.
The Journal of Educators Online (JEO) is a triannual publication by the Center for Innovation in Research and Teaching at Grand Canyon University that highlights research in the broad area of Computer Mediated Learning (CML) which includes distance, online, electronic, virtual, distributed, blended and mobile learning. Computer-mediated learning occurs when an individual interactively learns (formally or informally, synchronously or asynchronously) about material via computer means where the learning materials and pedagogy are developed to take advantage of the available technologies.
The goals of JEO are to:
- Promote a scholarly approach to the practice and profession of teaching in computer-mediated environments.
- Foster dialogue concerning innovative computer-mediated teaching, learning and assessment strategies.
- Enhance understanding and application of best practices in online teaching and learning.
JEO is published in January, May, and September of each year. Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis.
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Read Volume 20 Issue 2 - Special Issue: Post-COVID Online Teaching and Learning Research Outcomes: https://www.thejeo.com/archive/2023_20_2
Read Volume 22 Issue 1: /archive/2025_22_1
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Submit a Manuscript: /home/submit/submit
Read Current Issue: /archive/current
Browse Past Issues: /archive
Read Special Issue: https://www.thejeo.com/archive/2018_15_3
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