Robertson, Humphrey & Steele

Using Technology Tools for Formative Assessments

Sarah N. Robertson, Grand Canyon University
Samia M. Humphrey, Grand Canyon University
John P. Steele, Grand Canyon University


In recent years, online teaching has become extremely popular. Most institutions of higher learning are offering online courses in almost every field of study. Teaching any course online is challenging, but teaching quantitative courses, such as operations management, management science, statistics, and others, have added a more challenging dimension to online teaching. Publishers have been assisting professors of quantitative methods courses by developing various teaching and evaluation tools. This study explores one such publisher’s tool, Quiz Me Mastery Points, of Pearson’s MyOmLab. The performance of students on their examinations and the Mastery Points they earned through the Quiz Me feature were compared, and it was determined that there was a significant correlation between the two.

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