Maloy, Edwards & Evans
Wikis, Workshops and Writing: Strategies for Flipping a College Community Engagement Course
Robert W. Maloy, Ed.D., University of Massachusetts Amherst
Sharon A. Edwards, Ed.D., University of Massachusetts Amherst
Allison Evans, M.Ed., Williston Northampton School
This paper describes utilizing wiki technology, small group workshops, and reflective writing assignments to “flip” a community engagement/service-learning course for college undergraduates who are tutoring culturally and linguistically diverse students in K-12 schools. Flipped classrooms are gaining popularity in the teaching of science, accounting, and other traditionally lecture-based college courses. In this flipped structure, in-class faculty lectures and presentations are replaced by assignments in a wikispace featuring multimodal resources that students hear, view or read and write about weekly. During class, student rotate through a series of three learning workshops facilitated by faculty and student leaders.
Flipped classrooms, Wikis, Online Learning, Community Engagement, Service Learning, Student Writing, College Teaching
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