
The Use of Yammer in Higher Education: An Exploratory Study

Mary Beth Pinto, Ph.D., Black School of Business Penn State Erie, The Behrend College


Organizations depend more than ever on the ability of their workforce to master the means to most effectively communicate and engage in online collaboration activities. Social media technologies are being called on to help facilitate that process in organizations today. One social media technology that is making inroads into numerous industries, including higher education, is Yammer. This study addresses the use of Yammer in facilitating communication and collaboration among project teams in an upper-level marketing course. The results document the extensive online activity of college students. Respondents from student project teams did not embrace the use of Yammer for communication and online collaboration, however, correlation analysis showed a significant positive relationship between the amount of Yammer usage and communication effectiveness.


Social media, Online learning, Higher Education, Teamwork, Communication, Online collaboration

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