Levi, Mundy, Palm, Verdiglione, Fiene & Mincemoyer

An Interactive Online Learning Program on Child Abuse and Its Reporting

Benjamin H Levi, Penn State College of Medicine
Mandy Mundy, Network of Victim Assistance
Cathleen Palm, Center for Children’s Justice
Nicole Verdiglione, Penn State College of Medicine
Richard Fiene, Research Institute for Key Indicators
Claudia Mincemoyer, Penn State University


This article describes the content and pedagogical foundations of iLookOut for Child Abuse, an interactive, online learning program that was designed for early childhood professionals and others who provide childcare to young children. It also describes how an online intervention can address a complex social and behavioral issue––viz., how to identify and appropriately respond to concerns of possible child abuse.

Keywords: early childhood professional, professional development, online education, mandated reporter, experiential learning, child abuse

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