Nasir, Jankowski, Guyker & Wang

Modifying the Student Course Engagement Questionnaire for Use with Online Courses

Mohd Azrin Mohd Nasir, Northern University of Malaysia
Timothy Janikowski, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
Wendy Guyker, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
Chia Chiang Wang, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York


The increasing popularity of standardized online course design mandates that administrators and course designers understand faculty and student perceptions of the value of specific course components in the online learning management system (LMS). The results of a survey sent to online faculty and students revealed that both groups value the inclusion of videos in course design; however, the perceived value varied as a function of faculty status (full time or adjunct) and student level (undergraduate, master’s or doctoral). While students value instructional videos, they believe that rubrics and sample assignments have the greatest potential impact on their learning. The discussion explores the practical implications of meeting both groups’ needs in large online programs utilizing standardized course design.

The purpose of this study was to modify the Student Course Engagement Questionnaire (SCEQ) for use in varied teaching settings, including online graduate courses. The SCEQ-M was administered to 276 students enrolled in a variety of graduate-level education and counseling courses during the Spring 2016 semester. An exploratory factor analysis (EFA) using Maximum Likelihood identified four dimensions in the modified scale: Applied Engagement, Goal-Oriented Engagement, Self-Discipline Engagement, and Interactive Engagement. The SCEQ-M scores showed good internal consistency reliabilities ranging from .71 to .81. This study found that this instrument may be used to compare student engagement styles and suggests that instructors should seek to improve student engagement to better match engagement style to type of course. Other findings and implications for future research are also discussed. 

Keywords: student course engagement; factor analysis; online and on-campus instruction; graduate education

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