Hebert - Online Resources
Volume 15, Issue 3, December 2018 - Special Issue: Efficient Instructional Strategies
Taming the Beast: Principles to Efficiently Curate and Customize Online Learning Resources
Amber Dailey-Hebert, Park University
We are incredibly fortunate to live in a time of accessible information and rampant knowledge transfer. However, a double-edged sword exists with the extensive scope and breadth of content that is available and which requires keen skills to cull the valid from invalid. Consequently, it is our obligation and responsibility to hone and refine our skills as instructors, subject matter experts, and course developers in this arena. More specifically, we need to further develop our skills for utilizing technology to support effective and efficient strategies for learning resource management, creation and curating. This article addresses three primary strategies that leverage your learners, colleagues, networks, and tools to assist in this process and save significant time. In particular, the article explores strategies for empowering learners as co-creators of content, for utilizing networks to curate and customize existing resources, and explores tools to help consolidate and organize resources. This article offers practical application and specific tools to save time, customize your learning resources, and tame the beast of information overload.
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Download Article: https://www.thejeo.com/archive/archive/2018_153/hebert_online_resourcespdf
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