Holbeck & Hartman

Volume 15, Issue 3, December 2018 - Special Issue: Efficient Instructional Strategies

Efficient Strategies for Maximizing Online Student Satisfaction: Applying Technologies to Increase Cognitive Presence, Social Presence, and Teaching Presence

Rick Holbeck, Grand Canyon University
Jillian Hartman, Grand Canyon University


As online learning continues to increase in popularity, it becomes more important to explore as many strategies and tools as possible to continually improve teaching and learning in the online modality. This paper explores the experiences of an online full time faculty member in the use of Flipgrid, Loom, Remind, and the Digital Breakout/Escape Room strategy. Each of these tools and strategies can help to decrease the factors of transactional distance and also provide opportunities to increase cognitive presence, social presence, and teaching presence to create a community of inquiry. Future research is needed to gain empirical evidence of the effects of using these tools and strategies, as well as others that were not discussed here.


online learning, community of inquiry, CoI, transactional distance, Web 2.0 tools, cognitive presence, social presence, teaching presence

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