Donnelli-Sallee & Autry

Volume 15, Issue 3, December 2018 - Special Issue: Efficient Instructional Strategies

Supporting Online Teaching Effectiveness at Scale: Achieving Efficiency and Effectiveness Through Peer Review

Emily Donnelli-Sallee, Park University
Dana Autry, Park University


This article reports on one institution’s efforts to integrate disparate evaluation procedures for face-to-face, hybrid, and online teaching. The resulting peer review of teaching program brings together all stakeholders involved in formative and summative faculty evaluation through an efficient, scalable model. This model utilizes cross-modal competencies; incorporates discipline-specific priorities; and generates actionable assessment data for the continuous improvement of individual faculty members, academic programs, and administrative units. The peer review program communicates the values and performance expectations held by the institution and provides opportunities for self-reflection, professional development, and community building with fellow peers.


faculty development, peer review, adjunct faculty evaluation

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