Rios, Elliot & Mandernach

Volume 15, Issue 3, December 2018 - Special Issue: Efficient Instructional Strategies

Efficient Instructional Strategies for Maximizing Online Student Satisfaction

Tetyana Rios, Grand Canyon University
Marquita Elliott, Grand Canyon University
B. Jean Mandernach, Grand Canyon University


The key to the success of any online program is dedicating attention to student satisfaction. Student satisfaction with what and how they learn in an online classroom is an important variable to understand and can help instructors and course designers create an environment that fits students’ needs. This can be achieved with adequate course design, appropriate instructional methods, and an understanding of individual students’ needs. Course design should be user-friendly, easy to navigate, and incorporate clear guidance, rubrics, and constructive feedback and allow interaction with the instructor and other students. It should incorporate effective visual, written, and animated content in a relevant and realistic context. Using audio, video, and mobile tools of communication has a positive impact on students’ online learning experiences. The students’ individual differences, such as technology self-efficacy, personality, and engagement, impacts their course satisfaction. Extroverted, conscientious, and open students are more likely to be satisfied with their online learning experience while introverted students may need additional instructor help to succeed and be satisfied with the course. Engaged students are also more satisfied with online courses and motivated to learn.


efficiency, assessment, course design, online teaching, online learning, student satisfaction

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