Chang & Maarof

The Mediating Factors of Student Satisfaction on the Relationships among Elearning Success Factors in Nursing Education

Woan Ching Chang, International Medica University (IMU), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia  
Nooreiny Maarof, Segi University, Kota Damansara, Malaysia


Elearning provides enormous opportunities for working nurses to further their studies and to enhance their professional development. The purpose of this study was to identify the elearning success factors in elearning nursing undergraduate programs in Malaysia. The conceptual framework for this study is based on DeLone and McLean’s Information Systems Success Model. This is a cross-sectional quantitative correlational study using a predictive design and multivariate analysis method. Stratified random sampling technique was applied to recruit 241 nursing students through an online survey. Self-administered questionnaires were adapted to measure the independent and dependent variables of the study. The variance-based Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) method was employed to analyze the possible effects on the relationships among the variables studied. The findings revealed statistically significant relationships among the factors of self-directed learning (SDL) abilities, elearning quality, student satisfaction, and elearning benefits. The study found a mediating effect of student satisfaction on elearning benefits through SDL abilities and elearning quality. The findings highlight the crucial role of learning environmental needs among online learners. A collaborative effort between universities, educators, and support personnel is essential to ensure successful elearning education for student nurses.

Keywords: elearning quality, student satisfaction, elearning benefits, self-directed learning abilities, nursing education 

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