2023 20(3)

May 2023 Volume 20 Issue 3

Graduate Student Perceptions of Nursing Faculty Immediacy: Caring Actions for Accelerated Online Courses

Teresa H. Huber, Northern Kentucky University
Lynn Zajac, Northern Kentucky University   
Karen O'Connell, Northern Kentucky University
Denise Robinson,  Northern Kentucky University 
Adrianne Lane, Northern Kentucky University

Abstract and Paper 

Promoting Learning Retention and Nudging Behavior Change through Learning Design Practices for WHO Online Platform

Heini Utunen, Learning and Capacity Development Unit, WHO Health Emergencies Program, Organisation Mondiale de la Santé, Genève, Suisse  
Ryan Crowder, Learning and Capacity Development Unit, WHO Health Emergencies Program, Organisation Mondiale de la Santé, Genève, Suisse
Elham Arabi, Learning and Capacity Development Unit, WHO Health Emergencies Program, Organisation Mondiale de la Santé, Genève, Suisse   
Anna Tokar, Learning and Capacity Development Unit, WHO Health Emergencies Program, Organisation Mondiale de la Santé, Genève, Suisse
Lama Mattar, Learning and Capacity Development Unit, WHO Health Emergencies Program, Organisation Mondiale de la Santé, Genève, Suisse

Abstract and Paper


Effectiveness of Collegiate Learning Assessment Task-based Ebook to Empower Critical Explanatory with Different Problem-Solving Style Types

 Monika Lintang Laksmi, Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia    
Baskoro Adi Prayitno, Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia
Meti Indrowati, Sebelas Maret University, Indonesia

Abstract and Paper

Effects of Background Music in Instructional Videos on Learners’ Retention

Van Thanh Phan, University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City

Abstract and Paper 


Instructional Design Based on Constructionism for Enhancing Higher-Order Thinking Skills of Learners in an Online Learning Context

Sueksa Benjakul, Nakhon Si Thammarat Rajabhat University

Abstract and Paper 

Students’ Online Engagement and Usage of Discussion Boards on BlackBoard: A Study from the UAE

Laila Mohebi, Zayed University

Abstract and Paper 

Elearning Readiness of Facilitators and Learners in Adult Literacy Programmes: A Mixed-Method Enquiry

Morakinyo Akintolu, UNESCO Chair on Open Distance Learning, University of South Africa    
Moeketsi Letseka, UNESCO Chair on Open Distance Learning, University of South Africa
Cecilia Temilola Olugbara, UNESCO Chair on Open Distance Learning, University of South Africa 

Abstract and Paper


The Analysis of the Relationship Between Online Unethical Behaviors and Personality Types

Mustafa Tevfik Hebebci, Necmettin Erbakan University   
Yasemin Bertiz, Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey University
Selahattin Alan, Selçuk University

Abstract and Paper


Student Support as a Panacea for Enhancing Student Success in an Open Distance Learning Environment

Cecilia Temilola Olugbara, UNESCO Chair on Open Distance Learning , University of South Africa
Moeketsi Letseka, UNESCO Chair on Open Distance Learning , University of South Africa
Morakinyo Akintolu, UNESCO Chair on Open Distance Learning , University of South Africa

Abstract and Paper 


The Mediating Factors of Student Satisfaction on the Relationships among Elearning Success Factors in Nursing Education

Woan Ching Chang, International Medica University (IMU), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia  
Nooreiny Maarof, Segi University, Kota Damansara, Malaysia

Abstract and Paper 

The Development of Preservice Teachers’ Metacognitive Knowledge and Self-regulation in Online Learning

Areej Elsayary, Zayed University
Laila Mohebi, Zayed University

Abstract and Paper  

Rhetoric and Emotional Design for the Improvement of User Experience in Moodle

Tahani Ali Hakami, Jazan University
Bassam Al-Shargabi, Middle East University
Omar Sabri, Jazan University

 Abstract and Paper 

Rhetoric and Emotional Design for the Improvement of User Experience in Moodle

José de Jesús Ramírez García, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí
Rita Guadalupe Angulo Villanueva, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí

Abstract and Paper  


What Motivates American and Filipino Students to Take Online Classes?

Christina Chung, Ramapo College of New Jersey
Luz Suplico Jeong, De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines
Emi Moriuchi, Rochester Institute of Technology

 Abstract and Paper 

Revising the Paradigm: Relationship between eLearning and Achievement of Healthcare Research Scholars 

Ghulam Muhammad Kundi,  Qassim University, Al-Bukayriyah, Saudi Arabia

Abstract and Paper 


“My Students”: Understanding Faculty Influence and Experiences in Using Mobile Learning Pedagogy

Sarah Nichter, University of the Cumberlands

 Abstract and Paper 

Does Pedagogy Matter in Virtual Remote Teaching?: Perspectives From Students’ Voice

Carlo Domingo Casinto, Bahrain Polytechnic

 Abstract and Paper 

Exploring the Influence of Online Learning Management Systems and Student Perceptions on Students’ Adoption of Block Mode Teaching in Tertiary Sector

Amir Hossein Ghapanchi,  Victoria University  
Afrooz Purarjomandlangrudi, Victoria University
Yuan Miao, Victoria University

Abstract and Paper 

A Study of the use of Blended Learning/Online Learning Tools in a Higher Education Institution in an ASEAN country

Glenda Crosling, Sunway University, Malaysia
Angela Siew Hoong Lee, Sunway University, Malaysia
Don Passey, Lancaster University, United Kingdom

Abstract and Paper


The Effect of Augmented Reality on the Level of Attention of First Elementary Students in the Course of Experimental Sciences

Esmaeil Jafari, Shahid Beheshti University
Zahra Talebi-Abatari
Morteza Rezaie Zadeh

Abstract and Paper

The Commitment of University of Petra Students to the Ethics of Distance Learning

Mahmoud J. Alsalkhi, University of Petra, Jordan

Abstract and Paper



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