Akintolu, et al

Elearning Readiness of Facilitators and Learners in Adult Literacy Programmes: A Mixed-Method Enquiry

Morakinyo Akintolu, UNESCO Chair on Open Distance Learning, University of South Africa    
Moeketsi Letseka, UNESCO Chair on Open Distance Learning, University of South Africa
Cecilia Temilola Olugbara, UNESCO Chair on Open Distance Learning, University of South Africa 



Numerous projects and programmes for adult literacy have been undertaken in developing countries in the past years, so it comes as no surprise that the fundamental problems and the global statistics on literacy have not changed even slightly in a country like South Africa. The present study examines the elearning readiness of adult facilitators and learners involved in adult literacy programmes and has these objectives: examine facilitators and learners on the use of technology in the adult literacy programme, investigate the use of technology for elearning in adult literacy programmes, and ascertain the extent to which elearning can motivate learners to learn. The study was underpinned by the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), whereby a convergent mixed-method approach was adopted in which quantitative and qualitative data were collected simultaneously, analysed separately, and interpreted. Data were collected through questionnaires and semi structured interviews from 120 adult learners that were randomly selected, and ten adult facilitators conveniently selected from the literacy centres in KwaZulu-Natal province of South Africa. The study recommends that adult literacy centres should be equipped with relevant ICT gadgets to enhance adult literacy programmes and all adult literacy education stakeholders should be involved in the implementation process. Additionally, the government should make elearning an area of focus for a future literacy programmes.

Keywords: elearning, adult literacy, adult education, adult learners, facilitators, mixed-method, readiness.

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