Shaya, Baroudi, Mohebi

Examining Factors Determining the Behavioral Intention to Use Mobile Learning Systems in Higher Education: An Integrative Framework during the COVID-19 Pandemic  

Nessrin Shaya, American University in the Emirates
Sandra Baroudi, Zayed University
Laila Mohebi, Zayed University


This paper explores mobile learning (m-learning) acceptance and use through integrating UTAUT and IS success models to examine whether quality factors (including “Information Quality,” “System Quality” and “Service Quality”) and behavioral factors (including “Performance Expectancy,” “Social Influence” and “Facilitating Conditions”) predict students’ satisfaction and their intention to use m-learning systems. Data were collected through surveys from a total of 383 higher education male and female students in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Structural equation modelling and path analysis were employed to test the proposed research model, showing that “Information Quality,” “System Quality,” “Service Quality,” “Performance Expectancy,” “Social Influence,” “Facilitating Conditions,” and “Satisfaction” determined students’ intentions to use m-learning. “Satisfaction” was the most important antecedent of user behavior with m-learning, and “Performance Expectancy” was found to have the highest effect on “Satisfaction.” The study’s contribution to the advancement of m-learning acceptance and usage is connected to the theory and practice.

Keywords: mobile learning; IS (Information System) success; UTAUT; quality factors; satisfaction; UAE

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