Ibraev, et al

Improving the Independent Work of Students in the Context of e-Learning

Almazbek D. Ibraev, Kyrgyz National Agrarian University named after K.I. Skryabin
Maria Umarova, Kyrgyz National Agrarian University named after K.I. Skryabin
Myrzakhan T. Alimbaev, SILKWAY International University
Aliya D. Ongarbayeva, Kazakh National Women’s Teacher Training University
Salidin K. Kaldybaev, Ala-Too International University



Currently, due to the radical transformations taking place in all spheres of education, the issue of improving the quality of education and the problems of training and educating specialists who meet all the needs of modern society is acute. The purpose of our research is to establish a theoretical substantiation of the use of new information technologies in the independent work of students and to conduct an experimental test of its effectiveness. We studied and analyzed the research experience of organizing independent work for students using the new information technologies through a pedagogical experiment, observations, a survey, testing, and statistical processing of the data we obtained during the study. The pedagogical experiment was carried out in three stages: a defining experiment, an organizational experiment, and a formative experiment. In total, 306 first-year students of K.I. Skryabin Kyrgyz National Agrarian University, Jusup Balasagyn Kyrgyz National University, and S. Naamatov Naryn State University participated in the study. During the implementation of each of the research stages, we identified the main components, i.e., the organizational, methodological, and controlling conditions, and the methods of developing and implementing web technologies, as well as technologies for developing educational and electronic tools for students’ independent work in the conditions of using new information technologies. Keywords: innovations in education, web-technology, multimedia, website, pedagogy

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