2006 3(2)

Volume 3, Issue 2, July 2006

A Comparison of Learning Outcomes by ‘In-Course’ Evaluation Techniques for an On-Line Course in a Controlled Environment

Otis L. Stanley, Dr.PH., University of Southern Indiana

Abstract and Paper      

Do Chickering and Gamson's Seven Principles Also Apply to Online MBAs?

J. B. (Ben) Arbaugh, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin Oshkosh
Steven Hornik, PhD., University of Central Florida

Abstract and Paper      

Engaging Learner Attribute Research in Dialogue with Classroom Practice: Predictors of Success in the Accelerated, Online Classroom

B. Jean Mandernach, Ph.D., Park University
Emily Donnelli, ABD., Park University
Amber Dailey-Hebert, Ph.D., Park University

Abstract and Paper    

Implementing Constructivist Web-Based Learning and Determining its Effectiveness on a Teacher Preparation Course

Martha Casas, Ed.D., University of Texas at El Paso

Abstract and Paper     

Evaluation of Instructor Knowledge on Structuring and Facilitating Effective Online Discourses

Susan L. Jones, Ph.D., Missouri State University

Abstract and Paper     

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