2008 5(1)

Volume 5, Issue 1, January 2008

Is Identical Really Identical? An Investigation of Equivalency Theory and Online Learning

Ruth Lapsley, Ph.D., Lewis-Clark State College
Brian Kulik, Ph.D., Central Washington University 
Rex Moody, Ph.D., University of Colorado—Boulder
J. B. (Ben) Arbaugh, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin Oshkosh

Abstract and Paper 

Why Do Students Withdraw from Online Graduate Nursing and Health Studies Education?

Beth Perry, Ph.D., Athabasca University
Jeannette Bowman, Ph.D., Athabasca University
Dean Care, Ph.D., University of Manitoba
Margaret Edwards, Ph.D., Athabasca University
Caroline L. Park, Ph.D., Athabasca University

Abstract and Paper 

Implementing Educational Technology in Higher Education: A Strategic Approach

Cynthia C. Roberts, Purdue University North Central

Abstract and Paper 

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