2019 16(1)

Volume 16, Issue 1, January 2019

Model of the Mediating Teacher in Distance Learning Environments: Classes That Combine Asynchronous Distance Learning Via Videotaped Lexture

Aryeh Ben-Chayim, Beit Berl College
Baruch Offir, Bar-Ilan University

Abstract and Paper

Developing and Designing Open Border Teacher Education Programs: Case Studies in Online Higher Education

Luke Duesbery, San Diego State University
Sara Frizelle, University of Washington
Todd Twyman, Pacific University
Jason Naranjo, University of Washington
Karren Timmermans, Pacific University

Abstract and Paper

Doctoral Faculty Teaching Online: A Qualitative Understanding of Methods to Improve Online Teaching

Jessica Hannigan, California State University, Fresno
Juan Carlos Gonzalez, California State University, Fresno

Abstract and Paper

A Blueprint for Executing Instructor-Student Interactions in the Online Classroom Using Marketing Touchpoints

Nancy Hicks, Central Michigan University
Deborah M Gray, Central Michigan University
Jeremy Bond, Central Michigan University

Abstract and Paper

Strategies to Support Personal Knowledge Management Using a Wiki Site in Online Courses

E-Ling Hsiao, Valdosta State University
Xiaoxia Huang, Western Kentucky University

Abstract and Paper

Student Questions: A Path to Engagement and Social Presence in the Online Classroom

Sherion H. Jackson, Grand Canyon University

Abstract and Paper

The Community of Inquiry Model Training Using the Cognitive Apprenticeship Approach to Improve Students' Learning Strategy in the Asynchronous Discussion Forum

Kasiyah Junus, Universitas Indonesia
Heru Suhartanto, Universitas Indonesia
B. Sri Hartati R-Suradijono, Universitas Indonesia
Harry Budi Santoso, Universitas Indonesia
Lia Sadita, Universitas Indonesia

Abstract and Paper

The Design and Impact of the Pedagogical Agent: A Systematic Literature Review

Ati Suci Dian Martha, Universitas Indonesia
Harry B. Santoso, Universitas Indonesia

Abstract and Paper

Building Relationships and Increasing Engagement in the Virtual Classroom

Jeffrey Martin, Grand Canyon University

Abstract and Paper

Videoconferencing Tools as Mediating Artefacts in English Language Teacher Development in Challenging Contexts

Gary Motteram, University of Manchester

Abstract and Paper

The Relationship Between Students' Personalities and Their Perception of Online Course Experiences

Tetyana Rios, Grand Canyon University

Abstract and Paper

Two Pedagogical Models of Video Integration in Multiparticipant Courses

Tami Seifert, Kibbutzim College of Education

Abstract and Paper

The Impact of Text-Based and Video Discussions on Student Engagement and Interactivity in an Online Course

Kay Swartzwelder, Drexel University
Jackie Murphy, Drexel University
Glenn Murphy, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Abstract and Paper

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