2014 11(2)

Volume 11, Issue 2, May 2014

Transforming and turning Around Low-performing Schools: The Role of Online Learning 

Michael Corry, Ph.D., George Washington University
Angela Carlson-Bancroft, Doctoral Candidate, George Washington University

Abstract and Paper  

Online Instructor's Use of Audio Feedback to Increase Social Presence and Student Satisfaction

Laura Portolese Dias, DBA, Central Washington University
Robert Trumpy, Ed.D., Central Washington University

Abstract and Paper  

Autonomy Among Thieves: Template Course Design for Student and Faculty Success

Kathleen Huun, Ph.D., Indiana State University
Lisa Hughes, M.A.,Indiana State University

Abstract and Paper  

Comparison of Student and Instructor Perceptions of Social Presence 

Kathleen Mathieson, Ph.D., CIP, A. T. Still University
Joan S. Leafman, Ph.D., A.T. Still University

Abstract and Paper  

Examining Preservice EFT Teachers' TPACK Competencies in Turkey 

Solak Ekrem, Ph.D., Amasya University, Amasya, Turkey
Cakir Recep, Ph.D., Amasya University, Amasya, Turkey

Abstract and Paper  

Putting the PLE into PLD: Virtual Professional Learning and Development

Hazel Owen, M.A., Ethos Consultancy, New Zealand

Abstract and Paper 

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