2024 21(3)

May 2023

Determining the Influence of Learner Characteristics on Online Course Success for Underserved Students in Higher Education

Madhumita Banerjee, University of Wisconsin-Parkside
Han Zhang, University of Wisconsin-Parkside

Abstract and Paper

Empowering Online Learners: The Role of Volitional Competence, Grit and Metacognitive Awareness in Online Learning

Alvin B. Barcelona, Philippine Normal University
Sam Rhoy B. Dela Cruz, Far Eastern University Manila

 Abstract and Paper 

A Whole New World: Ten Lessons for Moving Courses Online

Delia Conti, Penn State

 Abstract and Paper 

Students’ Self-Regulated Learning Strategies in the Online Flipped Classroom 

Syaiputra W. M. Diningrat, Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Victoria I. Marín, University of Lleida
Bachtiar S. Bachri, Universitas Negeri Surabaya

 Abstract and Paper

Academic Procrastination and Academic Performance Among Conventional and Online Learners: Understanding Role of Learners' Characteristics

Ayesha Farooq, Virtual University of Pakistan
Tanveer Shah, Virtual University of Pakistan
Farwa Amin, Virtual University of Pakistan

 Abstract and Paper 

Nurse Educators’ Perceptions Regarding Online Education: A Qualitative Study

Saviten Govender, University of South Africa
Kholofelo L. Matlhaba, University of South Africa

 Abstract and Paper 

Factors Affecting Undergraduates’ Behavioral Intention to Use the Learning Management Systems

Fatma Jaupi, University of Tirana
Rezart Prifti, University of Tirana

 Abstract and Paper 

Effect of Preference and Management of e-Assessment System on its Quality Assurance Process

Krishna Prasad Adhikari, Tribhuvan University
Dirgha Raj Joshi, Tribhuvan University, Mahendra Ratna Campus Tahachal
Jiban Khadka, Nepal Open University
Bishnu Khanal, Tribhuvan University, Mahendra Ratna Campus, Tahachal

 Abstract and Paper 

MOOCs Adoption Among Omani Faculty Members: Investigating the Effects of Gender and Faculty Disciplines on Readiness

Hilal Salim Marhoon Al-Mamari, Universiti Sains Malaysia
Jeya Amantha Kumar, Universiti Sains Malaysia
Brandford Bervell, University of Cape Coast

Abstract and Paper  

Motivation, Self-Regulation and Study Approaches to Learning in Online Postgraduate University Students

Ana Pereles, Universidad Internacional De La Rioja
Ana Isabel Manzanal Martínez, Universidad Internacional De La Rioja
Carmen Romero-García, Universidad Internacional De La Rioja

Abstract and Paper 

The Effectiveness of an Online Training Module for Pre-Service and In-Service Teachers: A Case Study

Areej ElSayary, Zayed University
Jenny Eppard, Zayed University
Laila Mohebi, Zayed University
Fatima Bailey, Sharjah Education Academy
Hanada Thomure, Zayed University

Abstract and Paper

Mediating Role of Satisfaction Between Attitude and Usage Continuity Intention of Learners with Respect to E-learning

Shipra Pathak, Chandigarh University
Navjit Singh, Chandigarh University

 Abstract and Paper 

The Role of Support System, Digital Literacy and Learning Strategy on Learning Outcome Among Students of Pre-Service Teacher in Blended Learning Environment

Ulfia Rahmi, Universitas Negeri Padang
Ridwan Daud Mahande, Universitas Negeri Makassar
Azrul Azrul, Universitas Islam Negeri Imam Bonjol Padang

Abstract and Paper 

Measuring Practice of Digital Wisdom in the Classroom

Girija Ramdas, Universiti Sains Malaysia
Irfan Naufal Umar, Universiti Sains Malaysia

 Abstract and Paper

The Impact of Online Learning Service Quality on Student Satisfaction in Higher Education

Andi Arif Rifa’i, Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Mas Said Surakarta, Indonesia
Yunika Triana, Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Mas Said Surakarta, Indonesia

 Abstract and Paper

The Effects of Online Materials on Student Performance: Types of Resources, Mode of Delivery, and Session Length

Ishita Kapoor, Brock University
Jennifer Roters, Brock University
Timothy I. Murphy, Brock University
Caroline Drolet, Virginia Mason Medical Center  

 Abstract and Paper

Digital Competencies and Transformational Leadership as Predictors of Job Performance in University Teachers

Carina Madrid, Universidad Peruana Unión–Posgrado
J Luis Chimborazo, Universidad Peruana Unión–Posgrado
Wilter C. Morales-García, Universidad Peruana Unión–Posgrado
David Quispe-Sanca, Universidad Peruana Unión–Juliaca
Salomón Huancahuire-Vega, Universidad Peruana Unión
Jorge Sánchez-Garcés, Universidad Peruana Unión
Jacksaint Saintila, Universidad Señor de Sipán

 Abstract and Paper 

Engagement Experiences of the Adult Undergraduate Online: An Analysis of Actions, Attitudes, and Perceptions

Jeremy Schwehm, Arkansas Tech University
Chris Giroir, University of Louisiana at Lafayette

 Abstract and Paper

Development of Adaptive Instructional Scaffolding on Online Forum Discussion to Improve Personalization in MOOCs Learning Environments

Saida Ulfa, State University of Malang
Ence Surahman, State University of Malang
Izzul Fatawi, Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia
Tsukasa Hirashima, Hiroshima University

 Abstract and Paper 

Development of Web-Based TPACK Scaffolding for Online Learning to Enhance TPACK Skills of Pre-Service Chemistry Teachers 

Sri Yamtinah, Universitas Sebelas Maret
Mardhiyah Ayu Astari, Universitas Sebelas Maret
Mohammad Masykuri, Universitas Sebelas Maret
Endang Susilowati, Universitas Sebelas Maret

 Abstract and Paper

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