2022 19(3)

Volume 19, Issue 3, September 2022

Role of WhatsApp in Teaching and Learning Process in Schools in Pakistan

Iram Afzal, Virtual University of Pakistan
Nauman A. Abdullah, Virtual University of Pakistan

Abstract and Paper

Moodle as a Learning Management System: Perceived Efficacy and Actual Use

Nouwar Q. Al-Hamad, Yarmouk University

Abstract and Paper

Potential of Viber Messenger to Foster Online Social Presence among Blended Learning Students

Ramiz Ali, University of Wollongong

Abstract and Paper

Instructors’ Perceptions of Teaching Online during Emergency Remote Teaching: The Case of a Teacher Education College

Nayif Awad, Sakhnin College—Academic College for Teacher Education
Ieda Santos, Emirates College for Advanced  Education
Nabil Assadi, Sakhnin College—Academic College for Teacher Education

Abstract and Paper

The Prototype of Blended Learning's Support System to Improve the Pre-Service Teacher's Digital Literacy

Ulfia Rahmi, Universitas Negeri Padang
Azrul Azrul, UIN Imam Bonjol Padang
Ridwan Daud Mahande, Universitas Negeri Makassar

Abstract and Paper

Canadian Teachers’ Perceptions of Online Professional Development

Pamela Beach, Queen’s University 
Elena Favret, Queen’s University
Alexandra Minuk, Queen’s University
Rhonda Martinussen, University of Toronto

Abstract and Paper

Effect of Online Flipped Classroom on Students' Self-Directed Learning: A Case of Some Universities in Indonesia

Syaiputra Wahyuda Meisa Diningrat, Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya, Indonesia
Baraka Manjale Ngussa,  University of Arusha, Tanzania

Abstract and Paper

The Effect of Blended Learning on EFL Students' Performance in Research Methodology and Practice of 21st Century Skills

Hadiyanto Hadiyanto, Universitas Jambi
Urip Sulistiyo, Universitas Jambi
Amirul Mukminin, Universitas Jambi 
Eddy Haryanto, Universitas Jambi
Syaiful Syaiful, Universitas Jambi

Abstract and Paper

Comparing the Sense of Online Classroom Community between Students from Urban and Rural Areas at a Chinese University

Xi Lin, East Carolina University
Yan Dai, Auburn University
Hui Shi, Florida State University

Abstract and Paper

The Impact of Social Networks on Teaching and Learning at a Rural University in South Africa

Munienge Mbodila, Walter Sisulu University
Clever Ndebele, Walter Sisulu University

Abstract and Paper

Evaluating Preservice Teachers' Performance in a Blended Field Experience Course During the Quarantine of COVID-19

Laila Mohebi, Zayed University
Areej ElSayary, Zayed University

Abstract and Paper

Using MOOC and Gamification Hybrid Learning Models in Rural Public Schools in Thailand

Titie Panyajamorn,  Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, Thammasat University
Suthathip Suanmali, Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology Thammasat University
YOUJI Kohda, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST)

Abstract and Paper

Digital Competencies for Online Teachers

Maria Perifanou, University of Macedonia
Anastasios A. Economides, University of Macedonia

Abstract and Paper

Bimodal Realities: Academic Achievement and Persistence of Traditional Undergraduate Students in Online Courses

Bethany Schultz, Northwest Nazarene University
Ryan Longnecker, Trevecca Nazarene University

Abstract and Paper

The Impact of Blended-Flipped Learning on Mathematical Creative Thinking Skills

Ahmad A. S. Tabieh, Middle East University, Jordan
Mohammad Hamzeh, Middle East University, Jordan

Abstract and Paper

Communicating Instructor Power Online: A Case Study Examining Communities of Inquiry

Julie Watts, University of Wisconsin-Stout

Abstract and Paper

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