2022 19(2)

Volume 19 Issue 2 May 2022

The Online Course Lead-in: Reimagining the First Weeks of School

Nicole Alford, Florida Atlantic University
Michelle Vaughan, Florida Atlantic University
Kaitlin Salzman, Florida Atlantic University

Abstract and Paper

Shifting to Remote Learning: Students’ Engagement and Anticipating Challenges: A Review Article

Fadi Soud Samawi, Al-Balqa Applied University
Raed Ahmad Al-kreimeen, Al-Balqa Applied University

Abstract and Paper

At Home or In Person? A Comparison of Informal Learning Environments for Secondary Students

Macie N. Baucum, Texas A&M University

Abstract and Paper

Situational XR: Are There More than Absolutes?

Kelly C. Dreger, Valdosta State University
Bobbie Ticknor, Valdosta State University

Abstract and Paper

Choice of Pedagogical Agents as Virtual Math Tutors: Perspectives from Children and College Students

Xiaoxia Huang, Western Kentucky University
Justin L. Mathews, Western Kentucky University
E-Ling Hsiao, Valdosta State University

Abstract and Paper

Experiential Work in a Virtual World: Impactful and Socially Relevant Experiential Learning

Dana S. Kaminstein, University of Pennsylvania
Ann Stevens, University of Pennsylvania
Marikay Forst, Learning & Organizational Development, Lincoln Investment

Abstract and Paper

Community of Inquiry Analysis of Alignment between Instructors’ Intentions and Students’ Perceptions in Online Courses

Gi-cheol Kim, Georgia State University
Rachel Gurvitch, Georgia State University

Abstract and Paper

The Impact of Distance Learning on the Teaching-Learning Process of Mathematics in Higher Technical Education

Liliana Pereira, Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e Ave
Sofia Gomes, REMIT - Research on Economics, Management and Information Technologies, University Portucalense

Abstract and Paper

The Ethical Commitment of Virtual Education

Jose Alberto Rivera-Piragauta, National Open and Distance University (UNAD)
Janaina Minelli de Oliveira, Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Abstract and Paper

"Dis-Connected University Students? Knowledge and Use of Digital Technologies Among University Students

Francisca Angélica Monroy García, University of Extremadura (Spain) 
Fatima Llamas Salguero, University of Extremadura (Spain)
María Rosa Fernández-Sánchez, University of Extremadura (Spain) (Corresponding Author)
José Luis Carrión del Campo, Freelance Psychologist

Abstract and Paper

Developing an “Inclusive Learning Tree”: Reflections on Promoting a Sense of Community in Remote Instruction

Robert Speiser, University of California, Santa Barbara
Huay Chen-Wu, University of California, Santa Barbara
Jin Sook Lee, University of California, Santa Barbara

Abstract and Paper

Democratic Aspects of Learning and Teaching, as Perceived by Preservice Teachers Face-to-Face, Blended, and Virtual

Gila Zilka, Bar-Ilan University, Achva Academic College

Abstract and Paper

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